When installing optional components, XP\2000lite intelligently knows which files have been updated by Microsoft Service packs. Your Operating system will have a cache of Service Pack installation files occupying a considerable amount of space in your Windows folder. If you remove these you will need to have a local source of service pack files available for your operating system.
If you purchased 2000lite on CDROM then we have included the most recent Service Pack (at the time of purchase) on the CDROM. You can also download the full network installation from Microsoft (Windows 2000 SP4 is over 100MB). Use the XP\2000lite Preferences Dialog to set the correct path to your Service Pack source files. If you have applied service packs you should *NOT* simply point the Service Pack Source path to your regular Windows 2000 CDROM as this may result in downgrading of system files on your computer and potentially the re-introduction of bugs that were fixed by Microsoft in the Service Packs.
If you find the setup engine is asking you for the locations of your setup files then you should set the location in the preferences tab. The ideal source for files of the same Service Pack level as your current installation is a single "slip-streamed" CDROM that is of the same level so that you do not have to juggle between the original version, and the Service Pack files. Simply point both paths to the single slipstreamed CDROM that has the appropriate file versions on it.